Parenting Mistakes
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Kids’ stubbornness can be challenging, but some Parenting Mistakes may exacerbate power struggles. Clinical psychologist Rachelle Theise, Psy.D., suggests three common Parenting Mistakes to avoid for smoother interactions with children.

  1. Refusing to Share Control: Strategically forfeiting some battles can lower a child’s frustration level. Allowing kids input on decisions increases their compliance when parental control is necessary. Choose battles wisely and consider offering limited acceptable choices to preempt power struggles.
  2. Not Being Empathetic: While some decisions are non-negotiable, acknowledging kids’ feelings communicates understanding. Presenting future opportunities for them to have agency in similar situations empowers them. Encourage kids to handle emotions better and provide space for them to decide.
  3. Modeling Inflexibility: Kids observe and emulate adults, so modeling flexibility is essential. Demonstrating a go-with-the-flow attitude teaches them to adapt to change and unforeseen opportunities. Persistence is valuable, but showing that change is okay can help kids grow as independent thinkers.

While occasional breakdowns are normal, avoiding these Parenting Mistakes as regular habits can reduce stubbornness and create a healthier parent-child relationship.

-Re-reported from the article originally published in Fatherly

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