Home Breast Examination: A Vital Step in Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast cancer awareness
Image courtesy: Republic TV English

Breast cancer awareness is a crucial aspect of women’s health. Detecting breast abnormalities early can save lives, and home breast self-examinations play a significant role in this process. While they do not replace professional medical check-ups, they are a valuable tool for identifying changes in your breasts. Astonishingly, 40% of breast cancer cases are discovered by women during self-examinations. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started and understand what’s normal, as well as the actions to take if you notice any concerns.

Step 1: Observe

Begin by examining your breasts visually. Stand in front of a mirror, undress, and observe your breasts from various angles. Look for any alterations in shape, swelling, skin dimpling, or nipple changes, especially in one breast. Familiarizing yourself with your breasts’ normal appearance is the first step in breast cancer awareness.

Step 2: Physical Examination

Next, perform a tactile examination. You can do this while standing in the shower or lying down with a pillow under the breast being examined. Use the pads of your fingers, applying varying levels of pressure, to systematically check your entire breast and underarm area. Don’t forget to squeeze the nipples to check for discharge. Pay close attention to any lumps, thickening, hardening, or knots during this step.

Recognizing Symptoms

Be aware of potential breast cancer symptoms:

  • Persistent pain in the armpit or a specific part of the breast
  • Changes in breast color, redness, or inflammation
  • Skin dimples, puckers, bulges, or ridges
  • Dryness, itching, sores, or a rash
  • Nipple irregularities or inversion
  • Unusual discharge from one or both nipples

What to Do

Follow the Breast Cancer Awareness Protocol by conducting a self-exam once a month. If you detect any abnormalities or symptoms, don’t panic. Many lumps are benign, and breast cancer is treatable. Schedule an appointment with your doctor for further evaluation. Regular screenings are essential for early detection. Remember, your breast health matters, so take proactive steps to care for yourself.

If in doubt, mammography can detect tumors before they become palpable. Prioritize your breast health and stay vigilant.

Re-reported from the article originally published in The Republic TV English

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