Instagram fades, opening doors for creative exploration elsewhere


Instagram’s once-dominant role in showcasing creativity is fading, with a significant number of creatives expressing dissatisfaction with its reach and engagement. To explore alternatives, we conducted a poll revealing that 75.8% of respondents believe Instagram’s effectiveness is declining. This sentiment aligns with industry discussions, suggesting a need for alternative marketing strategies.

Specialization emerges as a key strategy, allowing creatives to focus on specific services or industries to become experts in their niche. By refining their focus, they can tailor their marketing efforts more effectively, reaching the right audience. For example, creative speaker Anna B Sexton advocates for a selective approach to marketing, targeting platforms frequented by their ideal clients.

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Maintaining an updated and comprehensive portfolio is crucial for leaving a lasting impression on potential clients. Detailed case studies showcasing past projects help demonstrate expertise and professionalism, aiding in client persuasion.

Beyond digital platforms, real-life networking offers valuable opportunities for building meaningful connections. Engaging in local events, volunteering, and joining community groups can foster relationships that lead to new clients and collaborations.

Focusing on local markets can yield significant benefits, as illustrator Tom Froese attests. Starting locally and gradually expanding networks through collaborations and partnerships can enhance visibility and reach within one’s community.

Strategic partnerships with other creatives can broaden service offerings and reach new audiences. Collaborations enable freelancers to offer comprehensive solutions to clients, strengthening both parties’ businesses.

Direct communication, such as targeted email campaigns and printed mailers, provides a more personal touch compared to social media posts. Cultivating referrals from previous clients also proves effective in generating new leads and expanding one’s client base.

In conclusion, diversifying marketing efforts beyond Instagram is essential for building a sustainable freelance business. By focusing on specialization, portfolio enhancement, networking, local markets, partnerships, direct communication, and referrals, creatives can navigate the evolving landscape and thrive amidst economic challenges. While social media may offer convenience, investing in long-term strategies fosters meaningful connections and sustainable growth in the creative industry.

Repurposed article originally published in Creative Boom

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