Menopause shaming undermines women’s dignity, autonomy, and health


Menopause shaming is the unfair treatment of women going through or having gone through menopause. This often happens because society values youth and beauty, making older women feel less important. Menopause, a natural part of aging, can make women feel ashamed or inadequate because it reminds them of their changing bodies and fertility.

One big problem is that people don’t talk openly about menopause. This lack of discussion leaves women feeling alone and unsure during this time. Without proper education, myths and stereotypes about menopause continue, adding to the shame.

Image credit: She the people

Menopause shaming is also tied to sexism. Throughout history, women have faced unfair judgments about their bodies and reproductive health. Menopause, being unique to women, becomes another target for criticism. This shaming is unjust and adds to the broader issue of not valuing women’s experiences.

To combat menopause shaming, we need to have more open conversations and provide support for women. It’s important to understand that menopause is a natural process and should not be a source of shame. By challenging stereotypes and supporting women, we can create a more inclusive and understanding society for all women experiencing menopause.

Repurosed article originally published in She the people

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