Image Credit: LokmatTimes English

The treatment of Afghan women and girls by the Taliban has raised grave concerns, with a United Nations (UN) expert suggesting that it may constitute a form of gender apartheid. The harsh and oppressive measures imposed by the Taliban on women and girls in Afghanistan have sparked international alarm and highlighted the urgent need for action.

The UN expert, acknowledging the severity of the situation, has drawn attention to the parallels between the Taliban’s treatment of women and girls and the concept of gender apartheid.

The Taliban’s policies in Afghanistan have led to the denial of basic rights to women and girls, severely limiting their access to education, healthcare, employment, and participation in public life. These measures have inflicted immense suffering and hardship, stifling the progress made towards gender equality

The international community has been galvanized into action, recognizing the urgent need to address the dire situation faced by Afghan women and girls. Various organizations, governments, and human rights advocates have been working tirelessly to highlight the plight of Afghan women and girls, urging the Taliban to respect their rights and provide them with the opportunities and protections they deserve.

The situation in Afghanistan serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of upholding and protecting the rights of women and girls worldwide.

Re-reported from the story originally published in LokmatTimes English

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