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Renowned actress and author Twinkle Khanna has embarked on a remarkable academic journey, pursuing a master’s degree at the age of 48. In a candid revelation, she humorously questioned her sanity while reflecting on the pursuit of knowledge in the later stages of life. Khanna playfully described the process of aging as a mathematical equation, showcasing her wit and wisdom.

Khanna’s decision to pursue higher education at this stage of her life is a testament to her unwavering curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Her determination to embark on a new academic endeavor serves as an inspiration to individuals of all ages, challenging the notion that learning is confined to a particular phase of life.

With a touch of humor, Khanna candidly expressed her thoughts on the aging process, highlighting the complexities of growing older. Her mathematical metaphor playfully captures the intricacies and challenges that come with the passage of time, emphasizing that age should never be a barrier to personal growth and intellectual exploration.

By pursuing a master’s degree, Khanna exemplifies the importance of continuous learning and personal development, regardless of age or societal expectations. Her decision encourages individuals to embrace new experiences and break free from limitations, demonstrating that it is never too late to expand one’s horizons.


Khanna’s humorous take on her academic pursuit resonates with individuals who have questioned their own sanity while venturing into uncharted territory. It serves as a gentle reminder that pushing boundaries and embracing new challenges can be both enriching and rewarding.

As Twinkle Khanna embarks on this exciting academic journey, her courage and zest for learning remind us all to nurture our intellectual curiosity throughout our lives. Her lighthearted approach to the aging process offers a refreshing perspective, inspiring others to embrace their own unique paths and pursue their passions, regardless of age.

Re-reported from the story originally published in The Indian Express

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