Children's screen time

Image Credit: Mid-Day

Screen time has become an integral part of our daily lives, and managing it wisely, especially for children, is of utmost importance. Experts in child development and technology have shared valuable tips to help parents navigate this aspect effectively.

Firstly, it is crucial to establish clear boundaries and set limits on screen time. Experts recommend creating a consistent schedule that allocates specific time slots for different activities, including screen usage. This helps children understand and adhere to the allocated time, ensuring a healthy balance between screen time and other essential activities.

Secondly, the quality of content consumed during screen time is paramount. Encouraging children to engage in educational and age-appropriate material is highly recommended. Parents can explore various educational apps, games, and websites that offer interactive and informative content. Monitoring and discussing the content with children can enhance their understanding and ensure they are exposed to beneficial material.

Furthermore, experts emphasize the significance of parental involvement and supervision. Actively participating in children’s screen time activities can foster engagement and allow parents to assess the content’s appropriateness. It also presents an opportunity for parents to bond with their children, discussing their experiences and guiding them toward making responsible choices.

In addition, it is essential to create screen-free zones and times. Designating areas in the home, such as bedrooms or dining areas, where screens are not allowed can promote healthier habits. Similarly, establishing screen-free times, such as during meals or before bedtime, encourages better sleep patterns and enhances family interactions.

Re-reported from the story originally published in Mid-Day

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