Sushmita Sen Portrays Transgender Activist in ‘Taali’

Sushmita Sen Portrays Transgender Activist
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Actress Sushmita Sen takes on a bold new role as transgender activist Shreegauri Sawant in the upcoming series ‘Taali.’ The 47-second teaser, unveiled on Saturday, offers a glimpse into the courageous journey of struggles, resilience, and triumph.

In the teaser, Sushmita’s deep and rich voice introduces herself as Gauri Sawant. She adorns a grey saree with a yellow blouse, a gajra in her bun, and a pendant of ‘Sai Baba.’ The actress then highlights the varied perceptions society has of transgender individuals – from derogatory names to game-changers, capturing the essence of Gauri’s story.

The teaser shows Gauri on stage, being applauded by the crowd, and blessing other transgenders. She is seen undergoing rituals, deep in thought, symbolizing the challenges and identity exploration faced by transgender individuals.

Gauri is later shown in a short hairstyle, wearing pants and a shirt, torn between the lines for men and women, emphasizing the struggle of officially identifying one’s gender.

Dancing with other transgenders and advocating for the third gender, Gauri proclaims her desire for self-respect, dignity, and freedom. The teaser concludes with Gauri fearlessly facing a foreign lady and the police, determined to live her truth.

‘Taali,’ created by Arjun Singgh Baran and Kartk D Nishandar, directed by National award-winning director Ravi Jadhav, and written by Kshitij Patwardhan, sheds light on Shreegauri Sawant’s relentless pursuit of recognition for the third gender in India.

The series, also starring Ankur Bhatia, Aishwarya Narkar, Hemangi Kavi, Suvrat Joshi, Krutika Deo, Nitish Rathore, Meenakshi Chugh, and Shaan Kakkar, is set to premiere on August 15. Meanwhile, Sushmita was last seen in the titular role of the web show ‘Aarya.’
Re-reported from the article originally published in

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